I couldn’t quite decide whether to write this entry in English or Chinese. I’ll probably end up doing what I usually avoid—mixing languages….
Although I’m a visual person, I’m attracted to accents. I’m a sucker for British accent. *あかんべ*
To me, a clarity in speech equates clarity of mind and intelligence. Many people think in words, not pictures. So a person who can express himself clearly and logically should also think clearly and logically.
I’m picky about Chinese. But recently I found a voice I like. I really like his Chinese pronunciation.
Most people who enunciate Chinese clearly also speak Chinese too shrilly/sharply. He doesn’t.
我特別喜歡他的中文發音。(I’m rather addicted to the way he pronounces certain words.)
也喜歡他的歌聲。It’d be amazing to hear him serenade. 讓人有受寵受愛,被他的聲音呵護的感覺。
Alright, I’m actually gushing over a guy’s voice...

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